In 1977, Bob Griffin, a veteran pilot with JAARS (the technical support arm of the Wycliffe Bible Translators) wanted to tell the American aviation public how God was using airplanes. The venue would be AirVenture Oshkosh – the largest aviation event in the world. Starting with just a few aviators from a couple of mission organizations, Bob’s vision grew. In 2009, the largest assemblage of mission aviation personnel and aircraft in history gathered at Oshkosh to actively engage the public with the barrier-busting message of mission aviation.
During the 1980s, only a handful of mission aviators could be on the world stage at AirVenture because of the costs of food and lodging associated with the high-profile event. To address this problem, a group of local Christians began providing meals, homes, and transportation for the visiting missionaries. From this initial seed, an organization involving individuals and churches grew in the Oshkosh area. It's called MASA (Mission Aviation Support Association), which is now headed by Lee Smoll. Initially, Lee sought support from just three churches. From this small beginning, MASA is now able to coordinate comprehensive support for over 400 mission aviation personnel. MASA volunteers provide three meals a day, a bed for every head, and loaner cars during the seven days of AirVenture.
In years past, mission aviation organizations also attended Lakeland’s Sun 'n Fun Fly-In. However, they had to discontinue their presence due to logistical and support costs. A local businessman, John Hoke, decided to reverse history and provide a way for mission aviators to again engage the aviation public at Sun 'n Fun.
John replicated Oshkosh’s highly successful MASA organization in Central Florida, calling it Aviation Ministry Support Association (AMSA). His desire was to develop a strong support structure through local churches to provide food, housing, and transportation for aviators desiring to attend Sun ‘n Fun. John assembled a team of volunteer coordinators to help make this a reality.
It has been exciting to see things grow as people come together to make it possible for missionaries to attend and have the opportunity to interact with over half of a million people! None of this would be possible without the support and partnership of local churches and individuals.